Presentations and Publications
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Authored Works
Liberating Revolution: Emancipating Radical Change from the State. Completed book manuscript accepted for publication by SUNY Press.
Edited Volumes
Eckstrand, Nathan and Christopher Yates, eds. (2011) Philosophy and the Return of Violence: Essays from this Widening Gyre. Continuum Press.
Peer Reviewed Book Chapters
“20th Century Social and Political Philosophy” forthcoming in Introduction to Philosophy: Social and Political Philosophy. The Rebus Community (OER resource publisher).
“Direct Action and the Humanities: Leaving the Ivory Tower.” Article accepted for publication by Radical Philosophy Review.
“Complexity, Diversity, and the Role of the Public Sphere on the Internet.” Philosophy and Social Criticism, December 2019.
“Does Fidelity to Revolutionary Truths Undo Itself: Systems Theory on Badiou and Žižek.” Radical Philosophy Review, January 2019.
“The Ugliness of Trolls: Comparing the Methodologies of the Alt-Right and the Ku Klux Klan.” Cosmopolitan Civil Society, November 2018.
“A Phenomenology of Whiteness.” Journal of Social Philosophy, Spring 2017
“Deleuze, Darwin, and the Categorization of Life”. Deleuze Studies. November 2014
“After the Pandemic.” Blog of the APA. June 2020.
Author of the weekly “What are you Reading?” columns. Blog of the APA. 2016-2019.
“Why We Need the Human in a World of Robots,” Invited piece written for University World News. September 2019.
“Is it Time for the Humanities to Strike?” Jointly published on the Blog of the APA, London School of Economics Higher Education Blog, Daily Nous, and The Electric Agora. May 2019
“Supercolonies and Overcoming Self-Other Aggression.” The Daily Ant. November 2018.
“In Defense of Civility: Why Protest and Respect Can Go Together.” Public Seminar. August 2018.
“How Racism Abroad Exposes Racism Domestically.” The Electric Agora. July 2018
“Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Totalitarianism in Our Time.” Blog of the APA. January 2018
“Freedom to Speak or Freedom from Censure? Critiquing the Professor Watch List.” Blog of the APA. December 2016.
“The Na’vi and Colonialism: Understanding the Sky People’s Attempts to Control Eywa”. Avatar and Philosophy (2014), Ed. George Dunn, Blackwell Publishers.
“Teaching Philosophy Abroad: A Perspective from Nathan Eckstrand”. Praxis (2013): 4-5.
“Foucauldian Systems within The Wire”. The Wire and Philosophy (2013), Ed. David Bzdak, Joanna Crosby, and Seth Vannatta, Blackwell Publishers: 265-276.
“Cultural Relativism vs. Ethical Objectivism,” with Jeremy DeLong. Invited presentation at SIAS University, Zhengzhou, China, October 2019.
“Taking Philosophy Online: APA Blog Perspectives.” Invited presentation at the Eastern APA 2019.
“Gender Oppression in China.” Invited Presentation at the 2018 Women’s Symposium at SIAS University in Zhengzhou, China.
“Revolution in the 21st Century.” Invited presentation and panel organizer at the Central APA 2018
“Black Mirror and the Dangers of Social Media.” Invited presentation at the 14th Annual Academic Symposium at Marian University, March 28, 2017
“Fostering Unconventional Careers for a Flourishing Future.” Meeting of the Mountain Sky Group, Emigrant, Montana, October 11-16, 2016
“Dynamic Anarchism, or How to Liberate Revolution from the State” Invited lecture at Mercyhurst University, Erie, PA, on Dec 1, 2015.
“Response to Gabriel Rockhill,” presented at the 2015 Critical Theory Workshop, Paris, France, July 17, 2015.
“Why Philosophy is Important”, Philosophy Seminar at Kumasi Polytechnic University, Kumasi, Ghana, April 13, 2013.
“How Can We Influence Agriculture and Medicine in Achieving the Necessary Transition to a Dynamic—Resilient—Sustainable Future?” Meeting of the Mountain Sky Group, Emigrant, Montana, October 8-15, 2013.
“The History of Online Philosophy.” Paper presented at Eastern APA 2021.
“The Humanities and Direct Action.” Paper presented at National Humanities Conference, November 5-7, 2020.
“Taking Philosophy Online: The Blog of the APA,” Paper presented at the Eastern APA 2019, New York City, NY, January 7-9, 2019.
“Do Complex Systems Revolutionize our Understanding of Political Frameworks,” Paper presented at the Central APA 2018, Chicago, IL, February 21-24, 2018.
“What is to be Done about Marxism-Leninism? An Anarchist’s Perspective,” Paper presented at the Society for Phenomenological and Existential Philosophy, Salt Lake City, UT, October 20-22, 2016
“Rawls and the Right to Revolution: Decoupling Dissent from the State,” Paper presented at the North American Society for Social Philosophy (NASSP), Ottowa, Canada, July 21-23, 2016
“Towards a Phenomenology of Whiteness”, Paper presented at the Central American Philosophical Association Division Meeting, Chicago, IL, February 26-March 1, 2014.
“Developing an Ecosystem of Voices: A Critique of Ecosocialism”, International Association for Environmental Philosophy (IAEP) Annual conference, Rochester, NY, November 3-5, 2012.
“Treading Whiteness, or How I Became a Radical”, North American Society for Social Philosophy (NASSP) Annual Conference, Boston, MA, July 26 – July 28, 2012.
“Problematics and Possibilities in Philosophies of Change: Comparing Hegel and Ch'eng I”, Australasian Association of Philosophy Annual Conference, Wollongong, Australia, July 1-6, 2012.
“The Related Methodologies of Arendt and Foucault”, Duquesne University Philosophy Department Graduate Colloquia, Pittsburgh, PA, January 20, 2012.
“Reassessing Genetic, Social, and Political Diversity: A Rawlsian and Deleuzean Perspective on Categorizing the Body Politic”, Annual Three Rivers Conference in Philosophy, Columbia SC, April 1-3, 2011.
“Foucault, Arendt, and the Possibility of a Transformational Politics”, Annual meeting of the Foucault Circle, Alberta, Canada, March 25-27, 2011.
“Modeling Electronic Media” Duquesne University Philosophy Department Graduate Colloquia, January 12, 2011.
“Contemporary Orientalism: East-West Relations in the Global War on Terror”, Society for Indian Philosophy and Religion, Philadelphia, PA, October 8-9, 2010.
“Response to Jim Vernon”, Annual Meeting of the American and Canadian Hegelians, Pittsburgh, PA, March 19-21, 2010.
“Kant, Foucault, and the Importance of Thinking”, Hawaii International Arts and Humanities Annual Conference, January 10-13, 2010.
“Orientalism in the Global War on Terror”, Concerned Philosophers for Peace Annual Conference, Dayton, OH, November 5-7, 2009.
“Performatives and the Female Politician” North American Society for Social Philosophy (NASSP) Annual Conference, Portland, OR, July 17-18, 2008.
“Arendt, Rawls, and the Modern Corporation”, Global Studies Association (GSA) Annual Conference, New York, NY, June 6-8, 2008.